Finally, summer is here!
We’re stoked for long days hanging out by the pool, trips to the beach and late nights on the patio with good friends.
But here’s what we’re not stoked about:
●Dry skin
Let’s be real, summer can make your skin feel…less than great.
But it doesn’t have to. If you’re someone whose skin gets dry in the summertime (or someone who does a lot of hiking and camping, or someone who spends time out in the buggy backyard, or even just someone who goes outside), 100% Tea Tree Oil can keep your skin feeling healthy and replenished.
There’s literally just one ingredient: tea tree oil. And that’s all it needs. Tea tree oil has antibacterial, antifungal and antiseptic properties, so people have been using it to treat bug bites, burns and scrapes for centuries.
We’re all about simplifying, so when a product has a bunch of different uses, we’re all over it. Tea tree oil is one of those oils you can use for just about everything, fromdry skin to even curing your kid’s lice (hey, it’s summer camp season. Be ready for anything your kids might bring home!)
But first, what exactly is tea tree oil?
Also known as melaleuca oil, it’s an essential oil derived from the leaves of the Australian tea tree. It’s used for a ton of different things, like treating acne, nail fungus and athlete’s foot.
Tea tree oil takes care of your skin and scalp
Our focus is on what tea tree oil can do for your skin and scalp since, well, we are a skincare brand.
We already mentioned our 100% Tea Tree Oil, which is a greatall-around skin enhancer and one of the easiest ways to get rid of dandruff—just add a few drops to your shampoo, lather up, and deliver that sweet, much-needed moisture to your scalp and hair follicles – and only $7.50!
But that isn’t our only product with tea tree oil.
Our Tea Tree Oil Hydrating Facial Toner is a soothing facial mist developed to clean and rejuvenate your face and neck. Imagine you’re out for a day of hiking with friends. You’re out in the hot sun, feeling the sweat drip down your forehead, into your eyebrows and down your temples and cheeks. Wiping it off with a towel kind of helps, but you still feel dirty and sticky.
That’s where hydrating facial toner is a lifesaver. It’s water-based, paraben-free, and gives your skin a gentle sip of tea tree oil, witch hazel, aloe vera and hyaluronic acid, the acid that naturally occurs in your body to keep your eyes and joints cushioned. For just $7.99, it’s one of the most valuable things you can throw in your bag this summer—trust us.
Summer is all about relaxing and having fun, not feeling itchy and dried-out and gross. If you’re feeling like your skin and scalp need a boost, rev them up with our 100% Tea Tree Oil and Tea Tree Oil Hydrating Facial Toner. For less than $8 each, its antiseptic, anti fungal and antibacterial powers will rejuvenate your skin and keep things feeling fresh all summer long.
Trust us, we know a thing or two about getting your skin through the summer. Since 1969, our family-owned beauty brand has been committed to providing nutrient-rich, American-made skin and hair care that's the real deal and a GREAT deal.