A+ Giveaway: Back-to-School Self-Care for Moms!

A+ Giveaway: Back-to-School Self-Care for Moms!
Well, here we are. All summer as the pandemic has continued, we’ve been wondering what the school year would look like – with plans changing from one day to the next, uncertainty looms big. But one thing is certain: It’s time to “go back” to school – and face a whole lot of new challenges. And we moms are S T R E S S E D!Unanswerable questions are constantly cycling through our heads: Ho…
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Beautiful Summer Skin – Don’t BE Jelly, GET Gelly!

Beautiful Summer Skin – Don’t BE Jelly, GET Gelly!
It’s no secret that moisturizer is critical for combating dry skin, and beautiful summer skin demands its own moisturizing routine.In the winter, when the air is dry and your heating bill is high, your skin practically begs you to slather on thick creams and lotions. But the summer brings humidity, so moisturizing doesn’t need to be a priority, right? Wrong! When you’re spending more tim…
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Skincare Tips for Mask-Wearing Success: Fight “Maskne” and More!

Skincare Tips for Mask-Wearing Success: Fight “Maskne” and More!
It’s been a while since the CDC’s initial recommendation for the general public to wear cloth masks to help slow the spread of COVID-19 – and you’ve probably upped your mask game to include some fashionable options by now. (Hey, we’ll be wearing them for a while…and there are some pretty cute options out there.) As we get used to the new normal of wearing face masks in public, it’s also…
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Lather. Rinse. Summer. Repeat.

Lather. Rinse. Summer. Repeat.
By now we’re all experts in cleanliness and the science behind the germ-fighting powers of soap. But how’s your knowledge on the moisture ingredients that can keep soap from drying out your skin? (Hand washing isn’t going away…so let’s keep dry, cracked hands at bay!)When soap is made with moisturizing ingredients, it can work even harder to keep you clean, healthy, and feeling fabulous…
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Summertime, and the Skincare’s Easy…

Summertime, and the Skincare’s Easy…
Let’s face it: this spring was pretty rough. We deserve some easy, breezy this summer – so let’s lighten up our skincare routine!Dry oil body sprays are THE summertime must-have. In the summer heat, your skin is just as thirsty as you are…but the humidity can make moisturizing lotions and creams feel h-e-a-v-y. That’s what makes dry oil body sprays so awesome: they condition your skin wi…
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